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How can I activate the Notifications?

To enable the notifications, go in "my watch" page (press watch icon in top right corner of the screen), the in "notifications" menu. Here you can select/deselect the notifications you want to receive on your watch.

Note for iOS Users

In order to ensure the good reception of your notifications, please proceed to the following steps:

  1. Select the AlpinerX app in your "Settings" menu and check that all access and authorisations are selected, especially “Show in History”.
  2. Go into your phone’s “Settings” menu and then into “Notifications”.
  3. Select the app of your choice, for example, WhatsApp to get an alert for every new message.
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What Applications are supported?

You can get notified for calls, SMS and most of the most popular messaging or social media applications.

  • Facebook (FBK)
  • Tweetie (TWT)
  • WhatsApp (WHA)
  • Instagram (ITM)
  • Messenger (MSG)
  • Picaboo (PCB)
  • Xin (XIN)
  • Uber (UBR)
  • Viber (VIB)
  • LinkedIn (LKN)
  • Spotify (SPO)
  • Pinterest (PIN)
  • KakaoTalk (KAK)
  • Gmail (GML)
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How can I mute my notifications?

Open your AlpinerX app and select "general" under the "settings" tab in your main menu. Then press on the button next to "notification with sound" to enable or disable sound.