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What do the abbreviations on the screen mean?

Abbreviation Type Meaning
ACT xx Activity Activity is xx% of the goal (in steps)
SLP xx Sleep Sleep is xx% of the goal (in hours
ALT MT Sensor Altitude in meters
ALT FT Sensor Altitude in feet
CHR SPL Chrono Chrono Split
CHR LAP Chrono Chrono Lap
CNT DWN Chrono Count Down
CNT UP Chrono Count Up
CMP HDG Sensor Compass Heading
ABS HPA Sensor Absolute Pressure in hPa
REL HPA Sensor Relative Pressure in hPa
TEMP C Sensor Temperature in Celsius
TEMP F Sensor Temperature in Fahrenheit
TMZ 2 Time Second Time Zone
UV XTR Sensor UV index Very High
UV HIGH Sensor UV index High
UV MED Sensor UV index Medium
UV LOW Sensor UV index Low
WKT Activity Workout
WLK Activity Walk
RUN Activity Run
NOR Activity Nordic Walk
TRD MIL Activity Treadmill
CAL Notification Phone Call
EML Notification Email
SMS Notification SMS
FBK Notification Facebook
TWT Notification Twitter
WHA Notification Whatsapp
ITM Notification Instagram
MSG Notification Messenger
PCB Notification Picaboo
XIN Notification Xin
UBR Notification Uber
VIB Notification Viber
LKN Notification LinkedIn
SPO Notification Spotify
PIN Notification Pinterest
KAK Notification KakaoTalk
GML Notification Gmail